About Us
When we started SheThrives Africa, we wanted to create an organisation that made real impact on our customers. We wanted to build a business that offered women a way to truly change their lives and fulfil their potential.
Since 2017, we created a social enterprise, dedicated to the personal and professional development of young women as well as enhancing the capacity, expertise and business acumen of female founders and business women. We have positioned ourselves as a platform and created a community support system for women from as young as school girls to those well into their corporate careers or running their own businesses.
With a woman-centred approach, we created a place without limitations, where women could think freely and stretch their imaginations to bring out the best in themselves to fulfil their dreams.
With support from a number of our partners, we are able to create a marketplace offering diverse talent, and nurture each business idea until it becomes a fully fledged startup.
We are the link between women and their biggest dreams…
Over the past four years, we have supported over 200 women. Currently, we receive most of our funding through a modest fee we charge our participants for events and mentoring programmes.
At SheThrives Africa, we seek to achieve the goal of a smart, sustainable and inclusive economic growth and be able to engage, inspire and guide women to respond to new economic challenges, to create jobs and to fight social and financial exclusion. This is what we mean when we say, "Inspiring Growth"
Our vision is to see women transformed and build the lives they envision.
We engage, inspire and guide women to Thrive! through capacity building and business support.
Meet Our Champions
She’s a Ghanaian Banker, Investment Analyst and Entrepreneur. Judith is experienced in all aspects of business formation, operation and management with over 20 years’ experience in diverse industries. She’s an astute product developer with a cutting edge ability to guide startups to develop their business ideas.
Prior to starting SheThrive Africa, she was the Head of Customer Deposits Mobilisation at Bayport Savings and Loans, Head of Strategy at Christian Community Microfinance Limited (CCML), a Branch Manager at Barclays Bank Ghana (now Absa Bank, Ghana) and founder of “The CoinBox”, a fintech that provides financial solutions to women.
Her passion for equal opportunities for women drives her to mobilise, train and support women to become economically empowered. Her ultimate goal is to see women grow from subsistence to significance!
Judith is a backpacker and loves to travel in her free time.

Michael lends SheThrives technological expertise, which is second to none. A very intelligent and diligent software engineer with expertise in software architecture and development as well as tech teams management. His diligence has led AgroCenta to be one of the most thriving startups in Ghana.

Impact Agenda
We strive to impact the society through the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Female headed households prevail in most parts of Ghana. Our contribution to this agenda is to ensure that all women have a sustainable livelihood in order to support their families and be able to afford food, health and adequate education for their children.

Even though women are highly entrepreneurial, they do not have the same opportunities as their male counterparts to enable their businesses scale to their fullest potential. We achieve gender equality and empower women by way of capacity building to enable them build sustainable businesses, create wealth and acquire property

With the problem of a high unemployment rate in Africa, entrepreneurship has become a major solution. This solution offers a ripple effect - women entrepreneurs who receive support from our programs grow to provide jobs, thereby, promoting inclusive and economic growth, employment and decent work for all.